
What we do in this class:

This class is a blend of hatha yoga and kundalini yoga styles. It is open to total beginners or those who have attended any type of yoga class before. You don’t have to be ‘flexible’ to participate. It is an accessible, inclusive class where everybody is invited to come as they are and do what feels appropriate for their body and being.

Each class is themed around a topic that invites personal and collective liberation from the constraints of society and our consumer driven, hurried world. Raeeka invites us all to reflect on how we can be kinder humans, while holding compassion for ourselves. She weaves in yoga philosophy, mythology, mantra, pranayama (breath work) and asana (poses) to create a space for transformation and/or rest.

Raeeka brings humour to the class, paired with invitational language to help each student feel supported and validated. She offers variations to meet all bodies where they are.

Whether you show up for the class and move, or choose to lie down for 60 minutes, breathe and absorb what’s offered – you’re still doing the yoga.